Nature based Courses
Who can benefit?
In the 1980s Japan introduced the practice of "Shinrin-Yoku" meaning "forest bathing" or "taking in the forest atmosphere". Although Japan introduced the concept of "Forest Bathing" as a form of "Ecotherapy", the important role that nature plays in supporting human health has always been known.
In the 1990s research into the benefits of nature for mental and physical health and wellbeing began and the results show that immersion in nature and various types of "Ecotherapy" can be used to improve both mental and physical health.
Further scientific studies into such things as
Phytoncides and the Biophilia Hypothesis show that combining Wellness and Ecotherapy practices has measurable positive effects on people's physical and mental health. So much so that many countries (including the UK) are now using "Green Social Prescriptions" to direct people to nature based activities and environments.
You can check out lots more research by clicking the button below.